
Top 3 Tips for a Letter of Reprimand Rebuttal

It seems like every day that a military member comes to us for help in needing a Letter of Reprimand Rebuttal. A LOR can have a huge impact on your career in the Air Force or the Army. It can affect your chances at promotion, your future assignments, and even whether you can reenlist or […]

How a Letter of Reprimand Impacts Your Army Career

We recently had a former Army Sergeant email us about a Letter of Reprimand he received almost a year ago. The Sergeant was accused of unprofessional behavior, and when he received his Letter of Reprimand, he elected not to submit a written response. He figured it was no big deal and that he'd be able […]

How a Letter of Reprimand Impacts Your Air Force Career

At Military Justice Guides, we hear stories everyday of Airmen receiving a Letter of Reprimand for allegations of misconduct. Sometimes, those Airmen are told to "just accept it," that it's "just an LOR," and that it won't have an impact on their career. But as former military officers ourselves, we know better. We know the […]

Being Discharged for Refusing the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Here at Military Justice Guides, we are dedicated to helping military members navigate the justice system. Recently, we've been asked the same question time and time again: "I refused the COVID-19 vaccine, and now I am getting discharged from the military. Can you help me?" - Client What is the Vaccine Mandate for Military […]

Military Justice Guides

Military Justice Guides and are not law firms, nor do our employees act as legal counsel. provides an online portal to give users a general understanding of military law and to provide an automated software solution to individuals who choose to prepare their own documents. Services may also include a review of your answers for completeness, spelling, grammar, and for internal consistency of names, addresses and the like. At no time do we review your answers for legal sufficiency, draw legal conclusions, provide legal advice, opinions or recommendations about your legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, selection of forms, or strategies, or apply the law to the facts of your particular situation. We are not a law firm and may not perform services performed by an attorney. Military Justice Guides and, its related Services, and its forms or templates are not a substitute for the advice or services of an attorney.

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